LSE have released the summer exam results today. Finally a good moment for LSE as it went without a hitch. The results were released up to three hours earlier than expected, meaning many students eagerly awaiting their results were pleasantly surprised.

After outrage was sparked by the mandatory hire of gowns for graduating students, this was a piece of good news to balance it out. One student, who was on a flight when results were released, reported her eagerness to check as soon as the plane landed. Another student was happy that her grades enabled her to take up an all-important consultancy job after graduation, a career much sought after at LSE. Looking back results for the last three years, subjects like EH390, final year economics dissertations, have an equal spread of 1sts, 2:1s and 2:2s. In contrast, modules from other subjects, such as the popular GV101, introduction to political science, had over 75% of students achieving a 2:1 with less than 2% failure rate (2016/17 data). To look at trends in the modules you took, visit the course results section of the LSE website:

Whether students achieved the result they wanted or just missed out, the overall feeling was one of relief that the wait is over – could our devastatingly low student satisfaction be on the rise?

You can access your results on your LSE For You page. There is a link for understanding your results on the LSE website:


How did you find the exam experience? Were your results what you expected? Feel free to write in with your experiences at:


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