An invasion of privacy? Lawless laundry practices at Bankside House

On Sunday 3rd March, one Bankside House resident discovered another resident looking through her laundry. As nothing was actually stolen (she walked in whilst the event was occurring), reception were unable take any action. This was met with some outcry: “even if it’s a few T-shirts, it’s very odd behaviour and whoever it is needs to stop”, one person pointed out on the accommodation Facebook group chat.

Chloe Forletta, Bankside House resident and first year Law student asked on the accommodation Facebook group chat: “Like this if you’ve ever had things stolen from the laundry room” on Sunday 3rd March. Several people have since liked the message, indicating perhaps a more recurring problem.

Currently it is unclear whether or not the person in question was intentionally going through the laundry for malicious reasons or if they simply made a mistake in opening the wrong machine, thinking it was their own clothes. Staff at Bankside House are currently looking into the situation.

Michael Leong, one first year BSc Economic Geography and History student and Bankside House resident, mentioned that although he was unsure as to whether or not the stealing was intentional, there is a large problem of people removing other’s laundry and dumping it on the ironing boards or sometimes even the floor. This is not uncommon, and is also an issue at Rosebery and Carr-Saunders halls: “Stealing is rare but people take other’s laundry out constantly”, commented one first year Rosebery resident.

Stéphanie Zahlan de Cayetti, Bankside House committee member and first year Politics student commented: “As a committee member, I wasn’t aware of this issue until I got asked to react to it for this article. Therefore, Bankside committee has not taken any measures as of yet.

“As students we don’t have that much power regarding the Hall. We could post posters and post messages on Facebook, but I personally don’t think it would help. As there are cameras in the laundry room, students whose laundry was stolen should report it to the reception.

However, it has to be said that, even if doesn’t justify any theft, students leave their laundry for too long downstairs (sometimes for a couple of days) and should be more responsible about their clothes. Moreover, leaving your laundry for so long in the laundry room prevents other from doing theirs.

I will discuss this issue in further depth with the student committee and try to prevent this problem. In the meantime I would recommend any victim of theft in Bankside to report it to reception.”

If you are a Bankside House resident and have had clothes stolen in the laundry room and would like to follow up, please email the front of house manager, Davinder Ratra, at Please include the date, time and details of the items stolen. Bankside House staff intend to retrieve CCTV footage and investigate the issue.


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