Crossing the Globe #2: Education

“You can’t relate to the great poetry and literature that exists in that language. It magnifies your identity conflict.’ – Angbeen Abbas on prioritising English and losing regional languages in Pakistan.

This week we’re speaking about education systems in different countries and cultures. We hear thoughts from Jad about education as a weapon in SyriaAngbeen Abbas about language hierarchies in Pakistan and Ashley Layo Masing about the dissuasion of critical thinking in Malaysia.

Welcome to the first episode of Crossing the Globe with Yasmina O’Sullivan from the Beaver Sound! We explore a crossborder issue each episode using the unique eyes of LSE international students. Through learning from each other we gain a better understanding of different ways to see the globe.

If you’re an LSE international student who’s like to share your stories and represent your country just sign up to be a contributor here.

For more from The Beaver click here.


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