Crossing the Globe #4: Hybrid Languages

This week we’re speaking about hybrid languages. We hear thoughts from Rhydian Rolant Cleaver about navigating the precarities of Welsh, from Melissa Au on the ties between class and Cantonese, and from Hussain Abbas on the changing cultural production and consumption of Urdu.

“Speaking welsh really gives you an insight into a really amazing world of culture, literature, and language that otherwise would be kept a secret” – Rhydian Rolant Cleaver, from Wales.

Presented and produced by Emma De Carvalho

Welcome to the first episode of Crossing the Globe with Emma De Carvalho from the Beaver Sound! We explore a crossborder issue each episode using the unique eyes of LSE international students. Through learning from each other we gain a better understanding of different ways to see the globe.

If you’re an LSE international student who’s like to share your stories and represent your country just sign up to be a contributor here.


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