Dear Crystal: Are we even friends?

Dear Crystal,

I usually never miss class, but I just couldn’t drag myself to my 9am the other day. I had already decided I wasn’t doing the topic in my exam so I didn’t feel too bad about skipping out. The only thing I was truly missing out on was the friendly banter. Or so I thought. I’ve sat beside the same girl all term and I thought we were friends. Until I asked her for the notes from the class I missed and she refused to give me. Why would a friend do that?

Betrayed classmate

Dear betrayed classmate,

Welcome to LSE. Her behaviour is odd, but it’s probably a signal that the feeling of friendship isn’t mutual. And like it sucks at first if you guys had a nice jokey thing going on in class but she’s probably one of those weirdo corporate types that thinks everyone in the class is future competition for an internship in the city. Dodged a bullet there my friend. Count this experience as a win, because you’re not even doing that topic in the exam anyway.


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