Field Recordings – Also Essential Listening ★★★★

I stumbled upon this podcast at the beginning of lockdown. A common topic in my conversations with friends is how our experiences of time have changed due to Covid-19. For some, there’s a general feeling that the apocalypse has experientially begun. While I can relate to this, I’ve definitely felt more present and less of a compulsion for the rat-race pace of London. 

As I continue my systematic graduate job search and term begins for you readers, I hope we can maintain this new, slower way of life. Field Recordings is pretty much an on-the-tin description: a collection of submitted audio clips of moments in time across the world.

There are kittens purring in Regents’ Canal, lovely, coincidental interactions between a wild swimmer and hikers in Michigan, and my personal favourite, rain recorded from a cosy bedroom in Brockley.  

I read the description, put on my headphones, and close my eyes. The recordings range from anywhere between a minute to an hour, so you have the option to escape no matter the time you have. I just think it’s important that you do escape occasionally. 

This podcast has made me listen more closely to the key moments of my summer: hearing the beeps of London traffic as I cycled everywhere in August, a frying pan making breakfast for friends, and the squawks of green parrots in Stepney Green the day I moved out. 

There’s no harm, possibly only good, in reminding yourself how connected life and humanity are – no matter where we are or what we have the chance to experience. Someone decided to record and, for some reason, submit these audio clips. And as you listen, you will figure out why. 
Field Recordings is available on Spotify, Apple Music, and Pocket Casts.


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