Gimme that banana bread, and make it vegan!

by Liza Chernobay, Illustration by Anoushka Guli

My initiation to the brutal realities of university life occurred through a repeated experience of mid-morning hunger. Yes, you know it – the desperate craving for sustenance you feel after trying to switch on your brain at 9 AM. 

When 11 o’clock seems a bit early for lunch, and another cappuccino wouldn’t be a sufficient hunger cure, a thick slice of banana bread comes to mind. It’s filling enough, perfectly sweet and sort of nutritious!

My search for the most sumptuous banana bread within 20 minutes from campus began on one of those sleep-deprived, hangry mornings. Finding a good vegan option was challenging, but the sacrifice was worth it – after all, we all deserve a little ‘dolce vita’ in our humble student lives, no matter the diet!

The next step was actually sampling banana bread – which was a risky business, as my ‘banana bread detours’ nearly made me late to class – but it was by far my favourite part! Some of my friends were lucky to get free banana bread tasting sessions along the way to help me rate my findings. Ultimately, there was too much cake to finish by myself. 

After unleashing my inner Sherlock of the foodie world, inhaling banana aromas and intently listening to my taste buds, my verdict is as follows:

Closest to campus: The Roasting Plant 

Price: £3.50

Distance: 5-6 mins

Location: 190 Strand, Temple, London WC2R 3LL

Not too sweet with a soft banana topping, but a little too dry and cold for me. The slices are quite small too. A reasonable pick-me-up if you don’t have much time.

Biggest slice: Prufrock coffee 

Price: £4

Distance: 14 min

Location: 23-25 Leather Ln, London EC1N 7TE

A bit expensive for cake, but their slices are gigantic, so why not share it with your bestie? The cake is on a sweeter side, its texture pleasantly spongy – a perfect complement to coffee. The café itself has a busy, vibrant atmosphere – a great place to work if you like the buzz! Located in the heart of Leather Lane, it is a stunning excuse to explore the daily food market and get your lunch sorted!

Best texture: WatchHouse 

Price: £3.75 (to go) / £4 (in)

Distance: 6-7 min

Location: Somerset House East Wing, London WC2R 1LA

This cake is the softest and smoothest, very aromatic and fulfilling in flavour. It is quite sweet, but not overwhelming. If you feel sophisticated, I recommend ordering toasted banana bread with *vegan espresso butter* and pairing it with an oat flat white. What a dream – to sit with a cup of coffee, allowing the butter to melt into the cake, and observe the peaceful courtyard of Somerset House through the window!

Best overall: Store St Espresso

Price: £3.50

Distance: 20 min

Location: 40 Store St, London WC1E 7DB

Despite a slightly longer walk, this is the best banana bread I’ve tried in London! With a balanced sweetness and sufficient moisture, the walnuts on top add a desirable crunch. Pairs well with a coffee and a dollop of coconut yoghurt. They offer very generous slices too, which is a blessing considering how delicious it is! Make sure to ask for it toasted – and you’ll thank me later!


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