by Neelam Shah / third-placed winner of the LSESU Poetry Society’s Summer Competition

Hope One Day

I hope one day there will be end to

Animal cruelty and animal abuses.

I hope one day there will be care more to the living world.

I hope one day mankind develops a more understanding nature and

A non judgemental society.

I hope one day there will be more

Fairness and equality for everyone.

I hope one day strong justice will be served for the victims that

Fall under any human right abuses and for

Mankind atrocities.

I hope one day for strong strict robust laws to

Prevent any harm, cruelty or any forms of negativity

towards mankind.

I hope one day that there will be a world where there will be

No corruption, no lies, dishonesty, no wars, no victims of crime and an elimination of global poverty and modern slavery.

I hope that one day every child in the third world has access to basic equal education, clean water, food, sanitation.

I hope one day a world would be more fairer and equal for those

In need and those who are disadvantaged to give them a better chance in life.

I hope one day they will be miraculous cures discovered

To heal everyone of specific viruses and diseases.

Neelam Shah


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