LSE Boys: The Valentines’ Cata-Love-Gue

By Liza Chernobay

Midway through my second year at LSE and still an ‘independent woman’, I often wonder whether our university is inherently aromantic, or whether I just haven’t been looking hard enough to find a significant other. I’ve certainly had a few burning crushes (who may or may not have distracted me from my assignments), but none that transformed into a real, unambiguous, romantic date.

I was almost ready to give up on my quest – but upon some reflection, I realised that LSE is full of great characters, who deserve our feminine energy, attention, and love. For all my fellow female students who swoon over rom-coms and fantasise about their perfect Valentines’ date, I present this cata-love-gue: a curated selection of the most promising ‘other halves’, LSE style.

Disclaimer: date at your own risk.

American Boy: A little tanned, always smiling, and ready to help, he loves to participate in class and pop to the gym after dinner to maintain his athletic physique. Coming from faraway lands, he doesn’t waste his time in London: after spinning on the London Eye and touring Oxford with Residential Life, he starts conquering European capitals, a weekend at a time. On the surface, this charming broad-shouldered species is a perfect date… if only he wasn’t an exchange student.

Finance Bro: If you value internships over relationships, this one’s for you. A networking guru, you can catch him coffee-chatting in the CBG or scrolling through LinkedIn over free pizza from the Finance common room. He is always dressed to impress, and loves to listen – his motives, though, remain obscure. With him, in ten years’ time you’ll lead a lifestyle of plenty – and should you wish, you won’t even have to see each other.

Artsy Boy: Dressed according to the latest fashions with a carefully styled mullet and moustache, the Artsy Boy somehow didn’t make it to CSM, and now roams the picturesque corners of LSE campus. He loves a good smoke in-between his lectures, which he dutifully attends despite raving the night before. A film camera in hand and canvas tote on the shoulder, his eyes glimmer with mystery. 

Karl: Still ecstatic from debating the nature of workers’ exploitation in class, he purchases a used copy of Das Kapital from Alpha Books to remind him of his newfound life’s purpose. Fundamentally anti-establishment, Karl has never crossed a picket line and dutifully signed every LSE student petition. He is committed, driven and values community – in short, a great partner if you are looking for a long-term relationship.

Rugby Boy: To be honest, I’ve never seen one, but apparently, they are a ‘thing’. Dressed in suits, they move in packs and flood Tuns on Wednesdays before migrating to Sway for AU night. They are a noisy bunch who enjoy a drink (or ten), and befriend the Netball girls on occasion. For those in search of macho energy, these mysterious sporty muchachos might be of interest.

Your library crush: He is that cute guy you always pass on your way up the library staircase. He’s got curly hair you wish to ruffle and ocean-blue eyes, which passionately stare into the laptop screen– but never at you. You keep wondering what his name is, what subject he studies, where he is from… but never dare to ask. Perhaps Valentine’s Day is the day to find out?

Illustration by Chiara Gugou

A second-year LSE student and still an ‘independent woman’, I often wonder whether our university is inherently aromantic, or whether I just haven’t been looking hard enough to find a truly significant other. Upon reflection, I realised that LSE is full of great characters deserving our feminine energy, attention, and love.


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