Marshall Building – Smash or Pass

Tilly Mason (President of the LSE Labour Society): “I like that it serves concrete santorini, but I can’t forgive it being named after / funded by Paul Marshall aka an actual demon, would like some more (comfy) seats.”

Memes of LSE: “It’s as if LSE decided to make the Marshall Building’s ground floor look like the lobby of an Investment Bank for all of us who won’t be stepping in one for an internship this summer.”

Angbeen Abbas (Executive Editor of the Beaver): “I’m obsessed with her. I’m a big fan of brutalism, and I think that while the study spaces are not as large as they should be, they’re very aesthetically pleasing. There’s just so much drama to it! It’s also not corporate to the point of feeling sterile, as is the case with CBG. However, I’m massively pissed off that this is the building that goes to the Management and Finance departments, especially as they take up half the building. That and the fact that “Beaver’s Brew” is perhaps the most disgusting name possible for a coffee shop.”

Alina Chen (Social Editor of the Beaver): “Trying very hard to understand why there are so many toilet cubicles on each floor, when there’s clearly insufficient demand (yes I’m talking about the unnecessarily sparse study spaces). Fancy seeing the London School of Economics fail a simple supply and demand problem. That said, I am a sucker for the sage green theme in the bathroom. I relish each and every one of my experiences of using the facility, especially in the run up to January exams when it first opened and I stand by my words.”

Sadia Sheeraz (Social Editor of the Beaver): “I’m in sensory heaven. I’ve never been able to study on campus in one place too consistently – everywhere is too cold or too warm, too colourful or too dull, and the lighting is always so awful and cold everywhere I go. But the Marshall building study spaces have so many study space variations, and the walls are so calming and empty. It’s just a shame that it’s a game of musical chairs in there.”


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