Queer Eye is the only QE you really need to know at LSE

If you haven’t already heard of Queer Eye, then what heteronormative rock have you been living under? Queer Eye is the Emmy winning Netflix show where five fabulous queers travel around America imparting gay wisdom on those who need and deserve it the most.

The lessons taught by the Fab Five will come in handy as you begin to navigate university. Each host is equipped with skills and knowledge that you’ll need to survive in a new city and in new environments.

Make your room a comfortable place to live with Bobby’s interior design tips. You’ll spend a significant amount of time in your bedroom, so it’s important that the space is somewhere that you’ll feel comfortable. Allow Jonathan and Tan to teach you the importance of presenting yourself well to others. If you don’t take your image seriously, then who else is going to? As Jonathan says, “It’s not vanity, it’s self-care.”

Plenty of you will be munching on the food provided for you in halls. But for those who have to fend a little more for yourselves, Antoni is on hand to teach you healthy and simple recipes (which will most likely include avocado). And finally, Karamo is there to make you become the best version of yourself by overcoming your fears and breaking out of bad habits. You have to take care of yourself whilst at university and that involves keeping your mind and body healthy.

Each episode is a delightful bundle of wholesomeness that’ll get the tears flowing, too. Do the world a favour and get going with this show because everyone needs a little QE in their life.

The first four seasons of Queer Eye are currently available to stream on Netflix. A fifth season has been announced as well as a Japanese event special.


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