Transplant Chats with Eliza – Essential Listening ★★★★★

Organ transplants are poorly represented in culture and media, yet thousands in the UK are in need of or have received one – with all the repercussions it brings. After years of coping with heart failure, my dear friend Eliza received a heart transplant in 2019 and has since created a podcast of conversations between herself and others in the transplant community.

While she advertises the podcast as a support line for them, their family, and friends, I believe it is a trove of information and is essential listening for the wider public. Transplant patients or those living with organ failure, become their own advocates and experts on their conditions, self-educating constantly in spite of emotionally challenging circumstances. Of course, I know this about Eliza, but listening to the stories of others provides a multi-faceted and diverse insight into the UK health system: its resilience, strengths, and pitfalls; which are often structural and political. 

You can expect a ton of laugh-out-loud moments to startle fellow tube passengers (the best sign of any podcast!) right alongside displays of extraordinary resilience and humanity in the face of literal life and death. These are real life stories that continue to be played out – before and after any transplants, before and after Eliza’s conversational recordings. They deserve representation and a place in your heart. 

Recommended episodes:

  • Ep.8: A Millennial’s Guide to Having an Unexpected Transplant
  • Ep.12: Things You May or May Not Know About Organ Donation (especially good for those new to the topic!)

Transplant Chats With Eliza is available for listening on Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. 


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