The LSEAU Welcome Party Re-run

After the failure to launch the previous LSE Athletics Union welcome party, there were hopes that good-times, fun and wallets could be saved with this ‘re-run’.

The first week of Lent term is a tough week for all LSE students. Exams have finished, coursework has been submitted, and there is an overall feeling of drudgery and anxiety as people realise the new term has started and the Christmas break has disappeared into oblivion.

LSEAU hoped to provide some post-holiday cheer with their second rendition of their Welcome Party that went awry. After facing significant issues with the hired security, coupled with peoples’ eagerness to enter The Venue, the initial party had to be shut down.

Fortunately, the re-run did not face those issues. Security checks were reported to have ‘run smoothly’ and people were in the building in record time. However, this speedy entry was also due to few people attending the night.

Despite attempts to gather interest by offering reduced ticket prices – £4.50 instead of the £9.00 charged for the previous Welcome Party, this didn’t seem to gather much interest. Seth Rice, Sports Editor for The Beaver, reports that it was “much better than last time” and “generally positive in the end”.

Another factor that could have been relatively high in terms of student participation is Dry January, which could be a motivating factor to stay home and study rather than partying sober.

Izzy Pulletz, a second-year student, commented: “If I were to reflect on the evening as a social pub-type reunion then it was a success, however as a dance and music related night out it was not satisfactory.”

The night did not have a costume theme but this did not stop Men’s Rugby from getting into the spirit of things and dressing up as pints of various liquids (and taking their tops off).

Overall the night was a mild success “because it was a good social reunion with friends.”


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