75th Anniversary: All About Love by bell hooks, 1999

By Eleni Anayiotou

hook’s incisive pen is what makes her, her. If you disagree, good. She does not write to be agreeable. 

All About Love is made to be a manifesto., Wired with constitutional terms, hooks makes bold statements, which might be (and are) contested, but that is one of the greatest virtues of this book. It is a rigorous examination of what we take as truisms about love.

hooks disbands the myth of Love as a hazy, irrational feeling, and replaces it with a version that requires conscious commitment, effort, and devotion. Her version of Love is relevanton a personal level, but simultaneously raises bigger questions: tying our modern experience of love to capitalism and consumerism. 

Essentially, hooks shows us that there is a better, more meaningful way to love. 

Eleni reviews bell hooks's seminal work on love and interpersonal relationship


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