All Machines do have a heart

Maëlle Pistoia, a young French artist, is making her debut on the creative scene. Following her victory on The Voice 2018, Maëlle published her first album on 22 November, 2019.

With songs such as Toutes les machines ont un cœur (All machines have a heart), Sur un coup de tête (On the spur of the moment), and Le pianiste des Gares (The Train Station Pianist), she interprets facets of the modern world. In All machines have a heart, she addresses her mother and, indirectly, a generation of adults who leave their kids a world that is continuously changing. 

Maëlle’s beating heart jumps from one passion to another, as in The Train Station Pianist,  where she combines singing, piano playing, and dancing. Her composure and enthusiasm create a cocktail of joy and dreams. In fact, the final words of The Train Station Pianist are: “il nous fait rêver” (he makes us dream).

Her work has a dreamlike and poetic quality, and references the pioneering French poet Guillaume Apollinaire, who famously wrote about the beauty of the Seine and its hidden treasures.

“J’ai pris un verre d’Apollinaire,

au fond de l’amphi avant-hier

un double calligramme sans glace

un cocktail de peur qui s’efface”

(Sur un coup de tête)

Salomé Melchior’s translation:

I had a glass of Apollinaire,

in the back of the auditorium

the day before yesterday

a double calligram without ice

a vanishing cocktail of fear

(On the spur of the moment)


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