Final year thoughts

edited by Alina Chen and Sadia Sheeraz

cover image illustrated by Charlie To

Tilly Mason (BA Geography)

I’m proud of us all and the amount we’ve grown during our time at LSE! Personally, I’ve learned so much about myself, the world, and those I love and too often take for granted. I can’t help but feel loss at the time we’ve missed out on due to COVID, but I think it made the chances to be together even more special. Not to go full geography mode here but the field trip to Cuba was one of the best weeks I’ve ever had – the perfect way to end three years of friendship, (un)learning, and a lot of (most of the time fun!) chaos.

Abigail Williams (BSc History and Politics)

LSE has been an… interesting experience. When I thought of going to university, I never imagined that I’d do it in the middle of a global pandemic. Despite all the stress, I’ve met such amazing people, discovered the best restaurants, learnt so much (and had a bunch of breakdowns in the library). Definitely not the university experience I expected, but I loved it nonetheless.

Sadia Sheeraz (BSc ISPP with politics)

This is my second attempt at escaping LSE, and it’s been a long time coming. A few lessons I’ve learned in my time here; 
1. Don’t sh*t where you eat – casual dates and hookups are best kept outside of the LSE bubble. 
2. Don’t give LSE and the people here too much importance – we are all just silly tiny specks on a small patch of a small country on a small spinning circle in a massive universe full of everything.
3. Don’t do in three years what you could do in four – abandon the idea that you have to graduate within three years! Don’t burn yourself out or miss life experiences chasing a generalised timeline, when there is little difference between graduating at 21 and 25. Especially in this economy!
That’s all from me. Good luck, Charlie!

Sumaya Osman (BSc Social Policy)

Please please please do not get sucked into making your whole uni experience a careers fair. Of course you should be thinking about it but keep your mind open and don’t rush. You’re way too young to be playing it safe. Go explore and most of all have fun. This corporate rat race will still be there in 5 years’ time.

Alanah Sarginson (BSc Philosophy, Logics and Scientific Methods)

Truthfully, I’m going to miss LSE so much! I’ve loved my course more than anything – I’ve found the faculty to all be so beyond supportive and inspiring, and I feel like I’ve learned so much and just grown so much more into my own self. I started uni all over the place, feeling very unsettled and unsure of myself, but I’ll be leaving it with so much confidence, peace, and an understanding of the world which I want to carry throughout my life. I’ve learned to not feel worried I’m not doing uni ‘right’, I’ve learned to do it my own way ‘cos that’s the right way for me. A big learning curve has been self-responsibility, especially when my mental and physical health is bad. I’ve had to take on full responsibility and really show up for myself by asking for help and making sure I’m not alone in my struggles. A fond memory has been all the random study sessions, coffee dates or midnight walks with my pals that just ended up with us chatting absolute shite for hours on end. With that being said, I’m really excited for the future, and to hopefully be able to actually hang out with the amazing people I’ve met, instead of just being buried into my work this term LOL.

Sarah (BSc Ecoomics)

The best lesson I learned: never feel ashamed/scared to ask for help – peer friends, mentors or counsellors… Being at LSE is hard work, and you don’t have to do this on your own!

Tada (BSc Economics)

Pretty mixed feeling, super fast three years (maybe one and half years actually??). I regret not getting to know more people in the three years, especially during the first year.

Anonymous (BSc Philosophy and Economics)

Wish we had more time because we lost the first two-ish years to COVID. Only getting to experience the ‘uni life’ now and having to leave it already 🙁


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