In two UGM motions, students call for improved sexual violence support, declare climate emergency

This week, the LSE Student body brought forward and passed two motions in a Union General Meeting. Students approved a motion calling for LSE to improve its sexual harassment and abuse support provision and also declared a climate and ecological emergency, adding requests to the LSE and SU for action on the subject. 

Here’s a breakdown of the two motions:

Improved Sexual Harassment and Abuse Support 

The passed motion – with 521 votes in favour, 9 against, and 5 abstentions – was proposed by Laura Goddard and seconded by Ella Holmes, with support from the campaign Hands Off LSE. Seeking to remedy what they see as “inadequate, under-resourced support for victims of sexual assault at the university”, the motion calls for the following four solutions:

  • A support model based on proactivity and care, including “Prioritised student counselling referrals; A permanent, salaried sexual assault counsellor in the EDI; A survivors UK monthly counsellor specifically for male victims”
  • Improvement of LSE’s online interface by improving “signposting to ensure students get the support they need more quickly; Ability to book appointments without emailing; Make it clearer for students to understand the options available to them when disclosing information regarding sexual assault”
  • Urgent review of the extenuating circumstances procedure for those affected by sexual assault during the assessment period so that the submission of evidence is dealt with in a caring, supported manner
  • Safe contacts in every department, including training of more male safe contacts

Climate Emergency

The passed motion -with 462 votes for, 28 against, and 28 abstentions – proposed by Isabella Pojuner and seconded by Angus Paget with the support of LSE’s Climate Collective, asks LSESU to declare a climate and ecological emergency and lobby the university to take the following actions: 

  • Divestment from “all direct and indirect holdings and investments in fossil fuel companies as well as to divest from all forms of armaments”
  • Meeting net zero carbon emissions as an institution by 2030
  • Prioritising “student input into policy making regarding climate justice, as well as prioritising climate justice in curricula and pedagogy across courses and research” 

It further asks the Union to “disaffiliate from any current and future affiliations with fossil fuel or armaments companies” and “support the Youth Climate Strikes and climate justice collectives in London”.


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