Yesterday nominations for SU elections opened. They will close on the 7th.

7th March: Nominations for SU elections close at 3pm.

14th March: ‘Meet the Candidates’, an introductory event giving nominated candidates the opportunity to announce policy and engage with the student body.

18th March: Voting opens.

21st March: Voting closes and SU Election Night.

The roles are split into three categories: Full-Time Sabbatical Officers, Part-Time Officers and committee positions. You can only run for full-time positions if you are in your last year of study or are willing to take a year out.

Notable positions

All full-time positions are key to the running of the SU, but as always, buzz will surround the position of General Secretary: the public face of the SU, instrumental in liaising with the School, SU and external organisations, and member of various key decision-making bodies at LSE.

AU President continues to be a significant role given the proportion of students who are AU members. RAG President also takes on the charity, fundraising and events side of LSESU life, responsible for Freshers’ events and being the point of contact for external charities.

As consent training formalises at LSE, the future Women’s Officer will likely find themselves overseeing the success of the campaign, continuing campaigns and future campaigns.

The Democracy Committee member, who oversees elections, UGMs and referenda, is instrumental in maintaining and improving democracy in the SU. As the SU has a history of low turnout across various elections, they could be instrumental in tackling it.

One key role is member of the Trustee Board, who is responsible for interpreting the Constitution, Articles and Byelaws, the latter of which is undergoing significant upheaval.


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