The length of the day coincides with the strength of your will to go on.
You have deadlines looming but can’t be arsed to do anything about them.
You’re not even looking at the reading lists anymore.
You’ve resigned to catching up on lectures during the holiday break.
Your fridge is barren because a shop doesn’t make sense when you’ll be home by the weekend.
Much like your fridge, your bank account is also devastatingly empty.
Or worse, you’re abysmally deep into your overdraft.
You call your parents upwards of 3 times a day.
You keep looking back longingly at pictures from summer on your camera roll.
You take naps on the library beanbags.
If any of these sound a bit too similar to your life at the moment, you’re suffering from Week 11 Blues. Hang in there pal, you’ll be out of this corporatist hellhole in a few.