ICYMI: LSE memes in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic

Everything sucks, but LSE meme production has never been better. I thought I’d share my favourite ones about LSE’s shitty response to Covid-19. Beyond extremely driven student campaigning, the ubiquity of these memes should serve as further proof of how fucked we all are.

Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'Dead law students after being threatened not to defer their exams gettyin nages SP'
Credit: LSELove

Credit: lseungrads

Credit: LSELove

Credit: lseglobe

Instagram: lseglobe

Image may contain: meme, possible text that says 'TRYING TO DESCRIBE HOW SERIOUS CORONAVIRUS IS Us MINOUCHE'
Credit: LSELove

Credit: Anti-neoliberal memes for LSE teens

Memes aside, thanks to Phillip Bessermann, Isra Saker, Bryan Chua and all the other campaigners who have compromised their study time to fight for students. Shoutout to LSESU Labour as well for their #notlazyLSE campaign.


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