The LSE SU UN Society is proud to introduce its UNSOC Welcome Week 2017! Are you passionate about Model United Nations (MUN), volunteering, campaigning, speaker events, career support and transferable skills development?

We welcome you to join our world: participate in fiery MUN debates, learn about our intiatives and your opportunities at division tasters, and make new friends at our unforgettable socials. We have something to offer for every member of the LSE Community, regardless of discipline, career interest or experience. UNSOC is a home for all and there is a place for everyone. We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, September 25th 15:00-17:00: Annual General Social (AGS)!
Location: The Venue (Basement Saw Swee Hock Centre)

Tuesday, September 26th 15:00-17:00: Model United Nations Give it A Go (GIAG)!
Location: The Venue (Basement Saw Swee Hock Centre)

Thursday, September 28th 18:30-19:30: Blue Dragon Team Meeting!
Location: TBA

Friday, September 29th 18:30-20:00: Meet the Divisions Taster!
Location: 6th Floor Cafe, Saw Swee Hock Centre

Friday, September 29th: 20:00 – Late: UNSOC Social!
Location: The Knights Templar, 95 Chancery Ln, London WC2A 1DT

We Look forward to seeing you there!


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