“Justice League” is a terrible movie. And there’ll be many more just like it.

If at first you don’t succeed,
Try, try, try again

Perhaps this well-known proverb is Warner Brothers Studios’ mission statement. The latest instalment in the “Justice League” series has been met with the same abysmal critical reception both “Suicide Squad” and “Batman v Superman” faced upon their releases. But audiences will probably award it with a $800 million-sized participation ribbon by flocking to the cinema. So, it doesn’t matter that this film cost a sweet $300 million to make – and that sort of cash can produce six “Arrival”s.

Although the film’s slogan is “You can’t save the world alone”, it should be “You can’t save the franchise together.” Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller and Jason Momoa were brought in to help the “BvS” team achieve their first win. But not even Wonder Woman could improve the group’s charisma (or Rotten Tomatoes score) to any level resembling respectability.

Unfortunately, a lot of children will be seeing this film. Hopefully they aren’t dissuaded from another familiar proverb: “practice makes perfect.” With another five upcoming (and a further fourteen undated) instalments of this franchise still to come, the best we can hope for is Warner Brothers’ mission statement to change to “24th time’s the charm.” It looks like the DC Extended Universe will try again, and again, and again…


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