LSESU Elections – live coverage from the comfort of my home

Well, I can’t say this has been productive, but I’m done for the night!

Our new commander-in-chief:

David Gordon!

Our new Education Officer is:

Eileen Gbagbo (ex-Collective Chair of the Beaver!)

Our new Community and Welfare Officer is:

Laura Goddard by a landslide

Activities & Development Officer winner:

Eleanor Duplock with 631 votes!

(New strategy, I’m just going live post the Sabb positions and update this later. Thank you to my readers)


RAG President goes to ALICE RIGO-SAITTA

AU President goes to idk I missed it (update: it’s Ceri Doyle)


I can’t do this fast enough…

Trustee Board
Edouard Panciulo


Winners announced:

Creative Network Chair

Percy Fagent

Charity, Campaigning & Political Network Chair
Anna Seifu

Democracy Committee
Rafi Ahmed
Adam Keyworth
Jason Reed

Athetics Union Executive
Madeleine Crosby Wilsher
Bronwen Jackson-Turner
Stephanie Zahlan de Cayetti

Careers Network Chair
Edouard Panciulo


First attendee shows off dog, making me miss mine. Here:

Im on the left, btw


50 people have joined. “omg live beaver coverage yas” – Max


Tensions run high as we try to figure out if we will reach 30 attendees (we are currently at 25).


People are joining the zoom, it’s as awkward as one would expect. Zulum, the current gen sec, will be chairing the night.


The Beaver will be providing live coverage of the 2020 LSESU Elections result night. For obvious reasons (the catastrophic global pandemic), these are being held through zoom and Instagram live. You can join the zoom here, and the Instagram live feed here. Words by Morgan Fairless. [for the three of you who are reading this, you need to refresh the page obsessively 🙂 ]


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